The Raspberry Pi Pico supports on-chip-debugging using another Pico, making it possibly the cheapest embedded development kit with native GDB support.
Things you'll need
- 1x Raspberry Pi Pico - as the Device Under Test (DUT)
- This will need, at minimum, the debug pins and 5V (VSYS, #39) pins with headers, A full set is recommended
- 1x Raspberry Pi Pico - as the debugger
- For this one, you will need 5V (VSYS, #39), one GND and GP2 (#4) through to GP5 (#7) connectable
- Miscellaneous breadboard cables to connect the two
- 1x Micro-USB cable to connect the debugger to your PC
- A PC running Linux (Windows should work, but may need adjustment)
- Rather than wholesale repeat the instructions here, follow the steps in Appendix A of the "Getting started with Raspberry Pi Pico" document:
- This will step you through connecting the two Picos, flashing it and setting up OpenOCD and drivers (if applicable)
- The guide does go through how to use GDB in Chapter 6, but below follows my general "rapid prototyping" flow
- Install gdb-multiarch (Debian) or your distro's version of it.
- Add PICO_SDK_PATH=/path-to/pico-sdk to your environment variabls
- Setup / generate your project using the pico-project-generator
- Add a line in CMakeLists.txt that will leave debug symbols in the binary: set(CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE Debug)
- Create a file called gdb_cmds (or similar) to auto-configure GDB, OpenOCD and load the program. Use the following:
- target remote | openocd -f interface/picoprobe.cfg -f target/rp2040.cfg -s tcl -c "gdb_port pipe; log_output openocd.log"
- monitor reset halt
- load
- Make a build directory in your project tree, and cd to it
- Run the following command: cmake .. && make && gdb-multiarch -q -x ../gdb_cmds ProjectName.elf
Reading symbols from PicoTesting.elf... Open On-Chip Debugger 0.11.0-g228ede43d-dirty (2022-10-17-21:36) Licensed under GNU GPL v2 For bug reports, read Info : only one transport option; autoselect 'swd' adapter speed: 5000 kHz Info : Hardware thread awareness created Info : Hardware thread awareness created Info : RP2040 Flash Bank Command warning: multi-threaded target stopped without sending a thread-id, using first non-exited thread 0x000000ee in ?? () target halted due to debug-request, current mode: Thread xPSR: 0xf1000000 pc: 0x000000ee msp: 0x20041f00 target halted due to debug-request, current mode: Thread xPSR: 0xf1000000 pc: 0x000000ee msp: 0x20041f00 Loading section .boot2, size 0x100 lma 0x10000000 Loading section .text, size 0x50c0 lma 0x10000100 Loading section .rodata, size 0x10b4 lma 0x100051c0 Loading section .binary_info, size 0x30 lma 0x10006274 Loading section .data, size 0xa0c lma 0x100062a4 Start address 0x100001e8, load size 27824 Transfer rate: 18 KB/sec, 4637 bytes/write. (gdb)
- When GDB is ready, you can use "normal" GDB commands to interact:
- continue will start running the program
- CTRL+C will "break" (stop) the program
- bt will show you a back / call trace
- b File.c:Line will add a breakpoint at that specific line
- More example can be seen
- - Raspberry Pi Pico Getting Started Guide
- - Source for auto-configuring OpenOCD with GDB
- - Set build type in CMake
- - GDB commands